World Textile and Apparel Trade and Production Trends
Released on = April 20, 2007, 3:25 am
Press Release Author = Namrata
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = World Textile and Apparel Trade and Production Trends : US textile output fell for the eighth time in 2005 as import volumes rose.
Press Release Body = World Textile and Apparel Trade and Production Trends
US textile output fell for the eighth time in 2005 as import volumes rose. Clothing output was down for the 11th year in a row despite healthy consumer spending. Surprisingly, textile industry profits rose sharply, and clothing profits by a comfortable margin. Meanwhile, China stepped up its sales to the USA although growth was more moderate. In Argentina growth slowed after brisk expansion in recent years. Growth was also slower in Brazil as sales to the US market barely rose. Falling US demand also hit Colombia, leaving hopes pinned on the Andean Trade Promotion and Drug Eradication Act (ATPDEA), US safeguard quotas against China, and the Trade Promotion Agreement (TPA). Mexico suffered from a transfer of US orders to Central America and the Dominican Republic as well as to Asian countries. But anti-dumping duties are helping to fend off imports from China in the domestic market. EU output fell again in 2005 as imports grew, and consumer spending and exports remained sluggish. China stepped up its shipments by 41.3% in value and increased its share of imports to 28.9%, leaving Turkey a distant second with 15.0%.
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